A few steps that will help you define your skin type and to get our product suggestions.
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A lot of "greasy" shine?
Looks like your skin is on the oily side of the spectrum, so consider proper cleansing, weekly exfoliation for deep cleansing and purifying the pores, and daily hydration.
Here’s your Comme Deux starter kit:
Bluedrops serum
Discodrops serum
Does your skin feel dry and tight?
A little bit of shine/oil in the t-zone and a dry/tight feeling in the rest of the face?
Does your skin look flushed, red and irritated?
Ouch, that skin is sensitive! Be carefull with too harsh cleansing that can strip the skins natural oils - a balm cleanser is best. Work hard on strengthening your skin’s barrier with serums containing pre- and postbiotics, and don’t forget intensive hydration and moisturiziers with calming and soothening ingredients. A good thing is also to exfoliate once in a while, with a chemical exfoliator (not a physical scrub)
Here’s your Comme Deux starter kit:
The Essence
Discodrops serum
The Spritz
None of the above?
Someone’s lucky! Your skin is considered normal and uncomplicated, so you don’t have to walk an extra mile with skincare - but you still need to care and be proactive to maintain the good balance. A good daily routine is to cleanse in the evening, exfoliate 1-2 times a week, feed your skin with a good hydrating serums and balanced moisturizers and add some glow to finish off.
Here’s your Comme Deux starter kit:
The Spritz
Discodrops serum